A warm welcome to The Westfields Federation
On behalf of The Westfields Federation, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. The Westfields Federation consists of Westfields Infant School and Westfields Junior School.
Formed in April 2023, the two schools are working collaboratively to build upon the strengths of each individual school. Our dedicated and professional team are committed to ensuring all of our children are nurtured to grow into happy, responsible and respectful citizens of the future.
Both schools are under the leadership of an Executive Headteacher, Miss Jo Redman, and one Governing Body.
Most of our pupils are from within our catchment area, however, we also have families from the surrounding areas who choose us due to our reputation and our relentless drive for excellence in our education. Our pupils usually join us from our local pre-schools and the vast majority will continue their learning journey onto Yateley Secondary School.
We hope our websites provide you with key information about our schools as well as an insight into the day to day experiences of our learners. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact either school and we will be pleased to help you.